Pittsburgh Veterinary Dermatology

801 Commonwealth Dr
Warrendale, PA 15086



In Case of an Emergency

In general, monitor your pet for these signs, and if noted, please call for instructions: significant worsening of your pet's skin disease, loss of appetite, black or tarry stools or diarrhea, vomiting, unexpected increase in drinking and/or urination, difficulty urinating, or any other general lethargy or weakness.  Please contact Pittsburgh Veterinary Dermatology by calling 412-274-1400 if any of the above signs are noted or if you have any questions or concerns.  Please do not email us with urgent concerns as these emails will not be checked in the evenings or weekends.  If we are not available and you feel the situation is urgent, please call your regular veterinarian or call/go to Pittsburgh Veterinary Specialty and Emergency Center's emergency department.

Pittsburgh Veterinary Specialty and Emergency Center
807 Camp Horne Rd
Pittsburgh , PA 15237  US
Phone : (412)366-3400

Contact : If emergency dial 1